I have to really applaud Adam and Comfort with their undertaking in 'The Unique Tales'. It's no small task orchestrating a mini-series like this, collaborating and constantly deliberating back and forth with the contributors involved. They may not work for Marvel, DC, or the other big name publishers out there, but make no mistake they are true professionals. (And quite frankly I am glad for their independence. They have their own, real identity as artists and in their work.) So it's been a privilege working with them and indirectly with the others contributing to this particular issue.

Aside from the Golden Age Taskforce character designs, here's my main contribution to issue three. From top to bottom, left to right, the team is composed of: Ghost, Virtue, Guardian Angel, Liberty, Countryman, and Mercury. Technically it's still a work in progress, but I was satisfied with this stage of the pin-up for the web premiere deadline of this issue. I'll be sure to post the finalized variant sometime before 'The Unique Tales' reaches the publication point. In the meantime, however, I'm going to take a break from this beast and work on some other interests. And if you're interested, 11x17" prints of this pin-up are also for sale. Contact me via e-mail.
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